Saturday, October 31, 2020

What is it worth to you?

If  you have known me for more than 5 minutes, you know that I have battled my weight almost my whole life. The doctor put me on my first diet when I was 2 years old. I've been on a bunch of different diets a bunch of different times. Right now, it's Weight Watchers.

I was shopping a couple weeks ago, trying to get the food I like for the least possible points. I looked at tortellini for like 5 minutes, trying to see which would "cost" me the least. It wasn't about money this time, it was about points. And that got me thinking....

What was that tortellini worth to me? Was it worth the 7 points it would cost me? The answer- maybe not every day but yes, that tortellini is worth 7 points to me-sometimes.

I've been replaying those thoughts in my mind for a couple weeks and I think I had a revelation that just might help me stick to this diet and hopefully even finally keep the weight off. Everything, every single thing we do, costs us something. Everything. Every decision, every relationship, every vote ;-), every everything. It all costs something, we get to decide if it's worth it. And, what's worth it to me may not be worth it to you and vice versa.

And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Our homes cost us something but most of us would agree the cost is worth not sleeping in the rain. Going out to dinner costs us something but we also get something out of it. Just because something has a cost does not mean it's a bad thing or that it is not worth that cost.

When I make the decision to get up and go to work in the morning, that costs me something. It costs time with my family. It costs added stress. It costs gas and miles on my car. But, is it worth it? Yes. Because what I get out of it is more than what it costs me. I get the satisfaction of knowing I am helping people. I get the love and support of coworkers that I would not have known otherwise. I get a pay check. Yes, it is worth it to me.

Our relationships costs us something. Relationships with spouses, kids, parents, and friends- they all cost something. But is it worth it? I would hope that most of our relationships are worth it. I love my husband with everything that I am but being married to him costs me something. I can't flirt with other men. I can't move to Florida. I can't get another puppy. My marriage costs me a lot but it is definitely worth it. What I get from being married- safety, security, love, forever dates-that is all worth so much more to me than the "cost" of being married.

Having kids cost me something. A LOT of somethings! But, I wouldn't have it any other way. Having dogs costs me something, dog hair everywhere ;-) But, yes they are worth it. I think you get the point. Everything we have, everything we do, costs us something. We make hundreds of decisions every day regarding what our choices cost and what they are worth to us. 

So, back to the diet. Every time I want to eat something, I need to think about what it costs me. Points are a tangible way to see that cost. Obviously, I can still eat whatever I want, but I will pay for it. Every bite costs me something. Some of those bites are worth it. They nourish me and keep me healthy. But some of those bites do nothing good for me.

It's Halloween. There is a huge bowl of chocolate sitting on my table and I've walked past it several times today. I haven't touched it! Because, what those little, seemingly harmless, pieces of chocolate will cost me is more than I am willing to pay. They are not worth it. They are not worth the increased sugar cravings, they are not worth taking me further from my goals, they are not worth feeling guilty. 

Ultimately, I have to remember that I am worth it. I am worth the hard choices. I am worth the effort. After all, Jesus thought I was worth dying for! He knew what I cost and He paid the price for me. What choices are you making today? What is the cost? Is it worth it to you?

Something to think about....

<3 Debbi